Application System Project
Ziele und Inhalte
Pflichtveranstaltung für Master Wirtschaftsinformatik.
After successfully finishing this module, the participating students have - well-founded knowledge in an application domain - hands-on experiences in designing IT-based solutions to challenging problems of the future society - improved their capacity for teamwork and competence in project management - improved presentation and writing skills.
This module addresses challenges in one of the following domains with accompanying topics, such as:
- eGovernment: exploitation of Linked Open Data, application of enterprise management systems in administration offices, analysis of Big Data for the improvement of public services.
- Energy: energy patterns in households or the operation of smart micro grids.
- Production: cyberphysical systems and the Internet of Things facilitate another breakthrough in industry production. The smart factory is characterised by resource efficiency, flexibility and customer centricity.
- Health care: surveillance and information services based on sensor data, better patient compliance throug IT, early diagnosis of diseases by analysis of social media streams, ambient assisted living for the elder generation.
- Logistics and Transport: traffic flow analysis and forecasting, and control; car sharing; intermodal public transport routing. The projects may be applied in close collaboration with companies and public authorities in the greater region of Berlin.
Typically, project work is segmented into different phases, such as analysis; state oft the art review; requirements specification; implementation; evaluation; presentation and documentation. Usually, the projects cover the analysis, conceptual description, or utilisation of modern IT technologies. The implementation phase usually comprises software development.
Aus den folgenden Veranstaltungen müssen 12 ECTS abgeschlossen werden. Also entweder das einsemestrige 12 LP Projekt oder die beiden zweisemestrigen 6 LP Projekte.
Modulbestandteile (12 LP wahlfrei)
LV-Titel | LV-Art | SWS | LP | Semester |
Application System Project | PJ | 8 | 12 | WiSe & SoSe |
Art | Name | Punkte | Kategorie | Dauer/Umfang |
Final Presentation | 20 | mündlich | 1 hour | |
Milestone Presentation | 10 | mündlich | 1 hour | |
Project Results | 50 | praktisch | 13 weeks | |
Requirement Specification and Project Plan | 10 | schriftlich | 10 - 15 pages | |
status reports & discussions | 10 | mündlich | 0,5 per week |
- IV: Integrierte Lehrveranstaltung (VL + UE)
- LV: Lehrveranstaltung
- P: Pflichtbestandteil eines Moduls (muss belegt werden)
- PJ: Projekt. Methodenvermittlung und Systemeinführung zur Projektarbeit, Entwicklungs-, Dokumentations- und Kommunikationswerkzeugen. Wöchentliche Projektbesprechungen. Projektarbeit in Kleingruppen. Milestones. Abschlusspräsentation.
- SE: Seminar. Literaturarbeit und schriftliche Ausarbeitung unter Anleitung. Vorstellung der Ergebnisse in einem 20 minütigen Vortrag im Plenum.
- SoSe: Sommersemester
- UE: Übung. Vertiefung des Vorlesungsstoffs, Lehrgespräche zur Besprechung der Übungsaufgaben, Gruppenarbeit zur Bearbeitung der Übungsaufgaben.
- VL: Vorlesung
- WiSe: Wintersemester
- WP: Wahlpflichtbestandteil eines Moduls. Eine der Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen des Moduls muss belegt werden.
Copyright TU Berlin 2007