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Communication Network Security (MINF-KT-CNS)

This module will be in English!

Ziele und Inhalte

This is a Master Degree module to introduce cryptographic mechanisms, services and attacks in securing contemporary communications networks. After completion of this module students will gain:
•    advanced knowledge and experience in cryptographic mechanisms and services and their theoretical background,
•    state of the art security problems and solutions for communications networks,
•    security needs of future heteregenous communications networks and Internet.

Lecture supported by the project will enable students to analyse and develop a deep understanding of security needs of contemporary communications networks. Students will be able to follow state of the art research results published in high rank conferances and journals. Module will cover the topics which are not only in the interest of research institutes and academies but also industries.

The lecture part will cover (i) cryptography basics such as symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography and their theoretical backgrounds, (ii) security protocols and applications from communication networks, and (iii) advanced cryptographic mechanisms which are used in malicious cryptography, data privacy, trust management, key management and ID management.
1.    Introduction (Attacks, Services, Mechanisms),
2.    Classical cryptography, Cryptanalysis and Theoretical Foundations
3.    Block Ciphers: DES, 3DES, AES and Modes
4.    Stream Ciphers, PRNG, Key Management
5.    Symmetric Cryptography Applications in Communications Networks
6.    Asymmetric Cryptography: RSA, PKC, Number Theory
7.    Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal, Elliptic Curves, Digital Signature Standard
8.    Assymmetric Cryptography Applications in Communications Networks
9.    Key Management and Secret Sharing
10.    ID Management and Authentication Schemes
11.    Topics in Malicious Cryptography, Privacy or Trust Management

For the project part, students will be divided into groups. Each group will select a recent communications network security problem provided by the lecturer. The problems will be carefully picked so that:
•    They can be solved by application of the materials covered in the lecture.
•    The problems are recent so that students will earn an expertise which will also be useful for the rest of their education and academic / professional lives.


LV-Titel LV-Art LP (Wahl)pflicht Semester
Communication Network Security VL 3 P WiSe
Communication Network Security PJ 6 P WiSe


Art Name Punkte Kategorie Dauer/Umfang
Ergebnisprüfung IV: Home Work Assignments 20 praktisch tba
Ergebnisprüfung Seminar 10 praktisch tba
Ergebnisprüfung tba 70 praktisch tba


  • Computer Engineering (Master of Science)
  • Computer Science (Informatik) (Master of Science)
  • Elektrotechnik (Master of Science)
  • Informatik (Master of Science)
  • Naturwissenschaften in der Informationsgesellschaft (Bachelor of Science)
  • Technische Informatik (Master of Science)
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik (Master of Science)
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Master of Science)


  • "Cryptography: Theory and Practice" Ed. 3 by Douglas R. Stinson
  • “Cryptography and Network Security” Ed. 4, by William Stallings
  • “Cryptography Demystified” by John E. Hershey

  • "Malicious Cryptography - Exposing Cryptovirology" by A. L. Young & M.Yung.
  • Detailed list will be made available on the ISIS page for the course


  • IV: Integrierte Lehrveranstaltung (VL + UE)
  • LV: Lehrveranstaltung
  • P: Pflichtbestandteil eines Moduls (muss belegt werden)
  • PJ: Projekt. Methodenvermittlung und Systemeinführung zur Projektarbeit, Entwicklungs-, Dokumentations- und Kommunikationswerkzeugen. Wöchentliche Projektbesprechungen. Projektarbeit in Kleingruppen. Milestones. Abschlusspräsentation.
  • SE: Seminar. Literaturarbeit und schriftliche Ausarbeitung unter Anleitung. Vorstellung der Ergebnisse in einem 20 minütigen Vortrag im Plenum.
  • SoSe: Sommersemester
  • UE: Übung. Vertiefung des Vorlesungsstoffs, Lehrgespräche zur Besprechung der Übungsaufgaben, Gruppenarbeit zur Bearbeitung der Übungsaufgaben.
  • VL: Vorlesung
  • WiSe: Wintersemester
  • WP: Wahlpflichtbestandteil eines Moduls. Eine der Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen des Moduls muss belegt werden.