Autonomous Communication Services (Kopie 1)
Modul: | BINF-SWT-SE.S08 |
Semester: | Sommersemester 2008 |
Art: | PJ (6 SWS / 6 LP) |
LV-Nr.: | 0435 L 733 |
Veranstalter: | Sahin Albayrak; Fikret Sivrikaya, und Weitere |
Zeit: | Dienstag 12:00 - 14:00, ab 22.04.2008 |
Raum: | MA 545 |
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Beschreibung / Description
As advances in technology have enabled the development of tiny, low power devices capable of performing sensing and communication tasks, wireless sensor networks have emerged and received significant attention from researchers. Sensor networks are special type of ad-hoc networks, where wireless devices gather and spontaneously form a network with no infrastructure dependency. Because of the lack of infrastructure, such as a backbone of routers in traditional networks, nodes in an ad-hoc network cooperate for communication by forwarding each others' packets for delivery from a source to its destination. This yields a multi-hop communication environment. A wireless sensor network is usually comprised of a large number of limited-power sensor nodes which collect and process data from a target domain and transmit information back to specific sites (e.g., headquarters, disaster control centers). Many application scenarios for sensor networks are projected such as environment monitoring, disaster recovery, emergency and military applications.
Community mesh networks are also gaining increased popularity as an alternative for providing broadband Internet access in urban areas, while facilitating local communications and information sharing. A mesh network is typically a form of multi-hop ad hoc network consisting of mesh routers and mesh clients. Mesh routers have minimal mobility and form the mesh backbone for mesh clients.
In this project course, we will investigate these types of autonomous networks, which operate without the existence of an infrastructure as common in conventional networks. We will study the characteristics of such networks and address the problems in different layers of the protocol stack to enable their successful operation.
Abgeschlossenes Vordiplom in Informatik oder einer verwandten Studienrichtung
Prüfungsmodalitäten, Anforderungen
Diese Lehrveranstaltung kann von Diplom-Studierenden in eine Prüfung in den Bereichen KI, BKS und WVA eingebracht werden.
Als Bestandteil des Moduls AOT 2 ist diese Lehrveranstaltung folgendermaßen in Informatik und Technische Informatik eingeordnet:
- Informatik Bachelor: Studienschwerpunkt Softwaretechnik
- TI Bachelor: Fachstudium Informatik
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