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Smart Communication Systems

Modul: Autonomous Communication (MINF-KT-AC.W07, Master)
Semester: Wintersemester 2008/2009
Art: PJ (6 SWS / 6 LP)
LV-Nr.: 0435 L 743
Veranstalter: Albayrak, Sivrikaya
Zeit: Mittwoch, 14 - 16 Uhr, ab 15.10.2008
Raum: MA 544

Open Smart Connectivity with Android

Never miss a beat on the road!

The development of wireless communication technologies enabled users to access their data, services, and their human peers without the need of a stationary communication platform. Used initially for voice communication, the wireless technologies are increasingly used for data communications. On the other hand, with the development of Voice over IP technology (VoIP), the separation between these two is blurring and we are approaching the paradigm of ubiquitous integrated service offering, in which the users are able to access their data, voice, multimedia or combined services without being bound to a particular location. This service offering can be over different wireless technologies, as each technology is better suited for a different location and user context, due to the fundamental trade-off between the data speed and the coverage. The data speeds can be made higher, only with the degradation of the coverage area. The main result of this trade-off is that multiple wireless access technologies such as UMTS, WLAN, Bluetooth, WiMax will be available for services. The question that arises is how to match different services to different wireless access technologies. Currently the set-up of the connection to different wireless technologies requires substantial user input. However the proper service experience should avoid such interaction, and should make the technologies seamless to the user as much as possible.


This question is gaining importance with the introduction and the penetration of user terminals that are able to use multiple wireless technologies such as i-Phone or Nokia N91 or the newly released Android phone, G1. Counting on the success of open source products such as Linux and Firefox, the mobile industry is trying to integrate the open source approach to the development of the mobile services running on these new multi-radio capable devices, as well as the actual mobile operating system software. Android is the result of the cooperation of 25 companies that include Google, T-Mobile, Motorola.  The Android platform is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications. Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK. Applications are written using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual machine designed for embedded use, which runs on top of a Linux kernel.



The Challenge

In this project a Seamless Connectivity Manager will be developed for the Android platform, which will choose the best available technology for the user context based on the radio conditions and the running services as well as the user preferences. The development will be based on a previous implementation for Linux machines, which makes use of the Mobile IPv4 technology. Successful projects may be entered into the Android Developer Challenge, and awarded internally.


Lernziele / Goals

Understanding the key concepts of mobile service delivery. Such as


  • Basics of wireless mobile communication technologies.
  • Applied Java and Linux kernel programming skills.
  • Familiarity with Android SDK.

Voraussetzungen / Requirements

  • Experience with JAVA and/or C programming.
  • Familiarity with Linux kernel programming.
  • General knowledge about telecommunications protocols such as IP, Mobile IP.


Ahmet Cihat Toker

Fikret Sivrikaya