Autonomous Security 1
Modul: | BINF-SWT-ASec.W08 |
Semester: | Wintersemester 2008/2009 |
Art: | PJ (6 SWS / 6 LP) |
LV-Nr.: | 0435 L 748 |
Veranstalter: | Camtepe |
Zeit: | Di., 10 - 12, ab 21.10.2008 |
Raum: | MA 548 |
This course is held in English!
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Description / Beschreibung
As the threats against information systems increase both in terms of numbers and severity, complexity and overhead of the security solutions designed to meet these threats increase. It becomes more and more difficult to properly deploy and configure existing security solutions even for large enterprises which usually have large teams of well educated security administrators. Complexity Threat, as we name it, is one of the most important security concerns today and it will be the biggest future security challenge.
Autonomous Security evolves as a promising solution against this threat. Autonomous Security gains its popularity by providing smart security frameworks with self-* properties (i.e., self-organization, -adaptive, -configuration, -optimizing and -healing) for next generation heterogeneous network environments. It is quite important for a student who is interested in information security to learn not only the existing cutting edge cryptographic algorithms and security protocols but also how these individual solutions can be efficiently merged under Autonomous security framework to respond future security challenges in heterogeneous network environments.
Configuration and management of the security solutions which involves variety of cryptographic tools and security protocols are challenging problem even for large enterprises which usually have large teams of well educated security administrators. This project targets students willing to continue graduate study with its scientific side while providing project management and team work experience for students willing to work for industry.
- Usable security
- Distributed monitoring
- Distributed intrusion detection
- Distributed response
- Cooperation and communication techniques
- Network Security simulation
Goals / Lernziele
The main goal of the project is to design, implement and evaluate autonomous security solutions for heterogeneous network environments. Project consists of following steps:
- Building background on cryptographic algorithms and security protocols
- Searching literature for existing approaches
- Identifying security challenges in the heterogeneous network environment
- Design, implement and evaluation of autonomous security solution
Students will work in groups. Although each student will be evaluated individually, they will experience that successful team work increases the quality of the output. Goal of team work is to provide project management (e.g., planning, time and resource management) experience to each student. Finally, project steps are specified so that students will involve in a scientific research activity which may result in a peer-reviewed paper submission.
Organisation / Ablauf
We offer two semesters MS project where a group of 2 or 3 MS students will work on an Autonomous Security scenario.
- Group formation: Students form groups of sizes 2 or 3.
- Introduction: Students are introduced to the project.
- Autonomous security basics,
- Introduction to NeSSi environment,
- Motivation, goals and relevance,
- Methodology,
- Project Scenarios,
- DAI-Labor's technical environment,
- Expectations from the students and grading,
- Students earning, relevance and importance of the project,
- Time table and mile stones,
- Scenario selection: Each group selects an autonomous security scenario or propose a related scenario.
- Project proposal: Each group submits a project proposal report (report-1) of three pages where followings issues are addressed:
- Scenario description,
- Students current background,
- Problems, importance of the problems, challenges,
- Possible contributions,
- Tentative project plan based on the project time table.
- Background and related work: Students make a literature survey for the selected scenarios, collect background information and prepare a tutorial (report-2).
- Scenario presentation: Each group presents their scenarios, related work and required background. They present their project plan and update it if required.
- Design: Each group designs an autonomous security solution for their scenario and presents their approaches. Groups report their design (report-3).
- Analysis and evaluation: Each groups provides a detailed evaluation and analysis of their solution. Group report (report-4) and present their analysis.
- Small scale (toy) implementation: Each group implements a small scale scenario in NeSSi environment. Each group prepares a report (report-5) discussing implementation details, experiences, challenges and approaches to solve these challenges.
- Large scale implementation: Each group implements a large scale scenario in NeSSi environment.
- Tests: Each group tests its senario and evaluation the test results. Groups report their test results (report-6)
- Reporting: Each group prepares final project report with following sections:
- Problem and motivation (report-1),
- Background (report-2),
- Related work (report-3),
- Approaches, design and analysis (report-3, report-4),
- Test environments and results (report-5, report-6),
- Evaluation of project work.
- Demo and final presentation.
- Paper submission (*Optional): Methodology of this project is similar to an academic research; thus, students are strongly encouraged, and will be guided, to submit their final reports to related security conferences. Groups which have paper submissions (may) receive extra credits on their project grades.
Dr. Ahmet Camtepe, e-mail
Dr. Tansu Alpcan, e-mail
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